Well yesterday I got the first of many e-mails from the head of the PTA asking me to help out. She wants me to help getting the back to school packets ready. Anyway it through into a panic attack. School is so difficult for my boys. It is just like torture. I hate the fact that at the age of 7 they dread everyday and get stomach pains thinking about going to school. That isn't supposed to happen until they are adults. So sad. Every parent dreams of having perfect children but you don't always get the dream. So I am resigned to the fact that another tough year is ahead and will start before I know it. A year of crying and complaining and not wanting to wake up. A year of frustration and giving up. A year of meetings to make sure that the teachers and staff pay attention to my boys and give them the help they need. I am their advocate and I am ready for battle.
I'm sorry it's so hard on you and your boys. I'm hoping that maybe things will get a little easier on them this year. Hugs!
I hope this year is easier for them, but if not they have a damn good mommy ready to fight for them until it is!!
I am sorry that it is so hard for them but they have the absolute best advocate on their side. I admire all you do for you boys, you should be proud of yourself! I love the way you stand up for them and demand the best for them!!!
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