WOOHOO I got tagged by Jess. Sorry Jess it took me so long I have been very busy and overwhelmed as usual.Here are the rules:Link the person who tagged youMention the rules on your blogTell about 6 quirks of yoursTag 6 fellow bloggers of yours to do the sameLeave a comment to let them know... Now I'm being lazy so I probably won't tag anyone, but please feel free to do it if you'd like:-)
1. I have to start my day with a cup of coffee and reading the news on the internet, or the day is all messed up.
2. I have to make my bed every day or I go crazy.
3. I am addicted to Anderson Cooper 360 and Nancy Grace.
4. I love to eat raisin bran at night.
5. I am addicted to diet coke. It is the only thing that gets me through the day.
6. I used to be addicted to cigarettes for 15 years (I started smoking at 15). I have replaced that addiction with my laptop. Not as unhealthy but still takes up time.